$68.50 Monthly for Silver Economy Level
Pool Service Tiers from Aqua Pool Dealer 
$98.50 Month for Gold Level Weekly Clean & Chlorinate
$112.50 Monthly for Platinum Level Weekly 
with Science Based Chemical Management
With this service, popular among salt system pool owners, Owners who desire to service their pools themselves, those who just do not want to place chemicals in their cars or those who don’t what chemicals they should really place in their pool without causing serious problem. Have you ever been to you local pool store and you have a high school aged child or a retiree telling you a bunch of pool jargon you’re not really sure they know what they are talking all while they depend on some weird machine for a print out and the answer? If so, your pool usually ends up worse or requires multiple trips back to the pool store, leads more cost, time, and frustration. You are not alone, in fact many owners are capable of servicing their own pool and if afforded the time they do so. We offer $48.50 Economy Level, We come out service your pool once per month, checking and balancing total alkalinity, pH, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid, and adding chlorine for routing shocking if deemed necessary. We also include a kit of chemicals with instructions to get you through the rest of the month till we return.
Aqua Pool Dealer takes special care to understand the unique needs of each of our clients to find solutions that exceed expectations related to pool maintenance.

We try to offer reasonably competitive services for pool owners
With this level of service, starting at just $78.50 a month, Aqua Pool Dealer will service your pool each week, performing routine cleaning services such as vacuuming, brushing, emptying pump and skimmer baskets, and filter cleaning when necessary. We also add chlorine to shock the pool and leave residual chlorine to help hold your pool over till the next visit. This service is popular among shorter term homeowners, renters, and customers comfortable with taking personal responsibility for overall water balance.ith this level of service, starting at just $78.50 a month, Aqua Pool Dealer will service your pool each week, performing routine cleaning services such as vacuuming, brushing, emptying pump and skimmer baskets, and filter cleaning when necessary. We also add chlorine to shock the pool and leave residual chlorine to help hold your pool over till the next visit. This service is popular among shorter term homeowners, renters, and customers comfortable with taking personal responsibility for overall water balance.
With Our Platinum level service, popular with long term homeowners and starting at only $98.50 a month, we perform all the cleaning and chlorination services of Gold level service, but with Aqua Pool Dealer's Science Based Chemical Management, checking and balancing not only chlorine but also total alkalinity which is important for your surface and equipment, pH which is important for eye irritation, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid which helps kept the chlorine and salt level within proper range, all important to properly balanced water, and in the aggregate contributing to more sanitary water and helping to protect valuable pool surfaces and equipment.
$149 Monthly for Double Platinum Level Weekly
 with Algaecide
Our Double Platinum level of service starts at $129 a month and offers everything our Gold level service offers, cleaning your pool and balancing your core chemicals, but with the addition of regular algaecide treatments to help prevent algae formation. This is important when your landscaper gets fertilizer in your pool or other containments.
More About Our Regular Pool Service
Pool Service involves much more than it frequently seems. One can make the case that professional and regular attendance to your water chemistry as provided by our platinum Level of service, principally chlorine, pH, total alkalinity, calcium hardness, and cyanuric acid, is the most valuable part of the service. Without it, you much more rapidly drift toward expensive problems such as eroded surfaces, which costs thousands of dollars to repair, or surfaces with deposits, which costs hundreds of dollars to fix, as well as increased corrosion of equipment.

So that we can provide these Gold level services, our associates are provided with and extensively trained in the use of complete chemical testing kits, which have 13 different chemical reagents droplets to allow for overall water balance testing, as opposed to the 2 or 4 reagent kits typical to less professional providers. In addition to this, we are one of the few companies in the nation that equips its associates with salt testing kits, allowing them to double check salt levels in pools to guard against mistakes caused by errant salt system control box readings, and the inaccuracy of test strips, common problems with salt pools.

As you may have experienced...

Others Simply Don't Know How to Do It Right

Within the pool service industry, it is regretfully quite common for companies to include all chemicals, albeit undefined, then not actually add much if anything beyond chlorine. The harsh reality is that most of your typical pool guys don't know what they are doing and regardless never have enough money in their pockets to buy all the chemicals that they should if they did know what they were doing. We all know most break this code of our honor system. At Aqua Pool Dealer, we stock our trucks with all the necessary chemicals every day, train our associates extensively on how to properly care for a pool, not only initially but on an ongoing basis, and then utilize activity logs which are reviewed daily by management to make sure we are utilizing proper water management techniques. The rare exceptions out there are typically disciples of our managing partner or former associates, but we would submit that without our intense culture they tend to regress to the more amateur like industry standards.

A smaller number of our competitors have joined a recent trend of “plus chemicals", charging a rate for service with extra charges for chemicals, frequently with (only) chlorine and muriatic acid included. We evaluated this pricing methodology, as well, and came to the conclusion that this was undesirable as
 1.) it would likely result in undesirable variability in important chemical levels due to a variety of reasons which would then result in accelerated corrosion of customers' equipment and surfaces as well as compromised water quality, 
2.) the process of constantly having to call customers to sell chemicals would be a nuisance to the typical pool owner, 
3.) we felt that the pricing was misleading, as it tends to add up to more in the end, but seems like less up front, and 
4.) it takes us out of our position of aligned interests in your pool quality, . In short, we stayed with our all chemicals included Advocacy Pricing Strategy because we felt it was right.

The second element of value with professional pool service is the value of the chemicals themselves, at least in the case with proper water management with an all chemicals including pricing model, such as ours. According to PK Data, the average swimming pool owner in the United States taking care of his own pool spends $282 a year on chemicals, a number that is likely much higher in Florida due to year around use and higher average temperatures, and a number that may be artificially low due to pool owners not adding all the chemicals they should to avoid the types of surface and equipment problems mentioned in the prior paragraph.

The third element of value with professional pool service is what customers generally notice the most, the cleaning functions, vacuuming, brushing, and skimming the pool, emptying the baskets, and cleaning the filters. Our associates are provided with commercial quality water vacuums and other equipment to allow them to be more effective at this.

As Inexpensive as Possible...

There are competitors, if you could call them that, that offer services along the lines of our Silver or Gold level of services, but without some of our corporate bells and whistles that make up The Aqua Pool Dealer Difference, such as professional uniforms, criminal background checks, and more. These people frequently value their time at a couple of dollars an hour, commonly have criminal records that run pages and contain serious violent crime convictions, generally have limited technical knowledge of their trade, particularly with regard to chemicals and water borne pathogens, and tend to take shortcuts that are not immediately obvious at the expense of the life and appearance of your surfaces and equipment, not to mention the sanitation of your water. In some cases their monthly charge is a bit less, but we submit the monthly cost of them is substantially more. Isn't it true with many things that the cheapest option ends up being the most expensive? An element of our mission statement is to "make pool ownership as inexpensive and effort free as possible," but an important part of keeping overall pool ownership as inexpensive as possible is doing our job right.

Ask yourself, does it really make sense to trust your valuable pool surface, and for that matter the health of your family, to someone that "manages" his "business" based upon how much cash he has in his pocket? Does it not concern you that water borne contaminants can make you ill? Do yourself and your family a favor - hire pros. Otherwise, you are likely costing yourself as much as hundreds per year in additional expenses due to surface erosion, unsightly and expensive to remove calcium carbonate deposits on surfaces, and excess equipment wear.

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10151 University Blvd. Suite 171, Orlando, FL 32817
Orlando (407) 574-5519        Fort Lauderdale (954) 282-9821
State License CPC1458004
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